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Sunday, 24 April 2005

If you've ever visited my website, which by the way you can visit by clicking here, you will notice that the ads on the top are kind of related to the page content. For instance, on the media page where I show a clip of a hydraulic jump demo, the ads are for flow modeling software and other kind-of-related stuff. What amuses me is that they haven't figured out the LAUP page. Maybe I will add a more descriptive heading to help them out.

So I didn't get the internship at CP&E. They needed someone who will graduate by next Spring and can join them full time after. I'll be finishing my master's a semester too late. I actually can probably finish within the next year, but I'm not in a hurry to leave school. I really like school... They asked me to interview with their sister company, Environet. So that will be on Wednesday. I also got a call from Engineering Solutions asking if I would be interested in an interview. So I will call them back on Monday, and try to schedule something. So that is the update on my search for a summer job.

Other news, I got accepted to participate in the 2005 PET (Programming Environment and Training) Summer Institue at UH. It's a two week program that starts at the end of July and continues into the beginning of August. I will be learning parallel computing and will also get to go to the Maui High Performance Computing Center to see, perhaps use, their supercomputers. I'm kind of excited about the program.

Well, only reporting and no real thoughts to share this time......I guess the thoughts are there, but the time isn't. Need to finish up some school work tonight, and I still have a ton of grading to do. Sigh...

Posted by Aileen at 9:28 PM HDT

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