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Tuesday, 22 March 2005

It's kind of silly, but I started this log so that I could have another page to add to my website. Even played around with the design to get it to match my webpage. Four pages, one of which is the home page, seems a bit scant for a webpage. Five is good. I didn't even write in it for the longest time, until now, now that my LAUP page is ready for its debut. =)

So I finally finished my LAUP page, yay!! It was actually mostly finished at the end part of summer last year. Just had to add some stuff to the reflection section, but man, I dragged that on for forever. I guess it's because that is the meat of the whole page. It wasn't easy to decide what to write about, and then to capture it with the "right" words that convey sincerely what's on the heart...

I didn't work on it for months when school started. Worked on it some during winter break, but not a whole lot. And now I'm on spring break. I decided yesterday that I was going to finish this thing. I guess I'm finished now. I added some pictures to break up the text, because there's a lot of text, but the pictures didn't come out so good, both the quality and the arrangement. But, I'm no computer expert, so it's probably going to stay like that (unless someone wants to give me a quick lesson on computer graphics and web design..anyone? =) ).

Well, enjoy the page: LAUP 2004

Posted by Aileen at 3:58 PM HST

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