Kyou, CP&E no CEO no Anson-san to Jyoaan-san to Arakea Kooporeto Tawa no rokkai no CP&E no jimushitsu de intabyu wo shimashita.
It's hard to tell how it went. It started out pretty well, I thought. But then I began to run out of things to say, so I'm somewhat concerned that it didn't end too well. Somehow I got the impression that the CEO was getting a little impatient and then he left pretty quickly when it concluded, which isn't really a good sign. I'm hoping it was just because it had been going for 50 minutes and he had a lot of work to do.
I was tempted to review in my head everything that I could have said better, but then I decided I wasn't going to do that. I know what would have been better responses. That is good enough. I used to have this tendency to replay things in my head a million times over until I've "perfected" every little detail...crazy.
A summer job with them would be so great. I got a really good impression of the company. I arrived there early and had an opportunity to talk with one of their engineers. She gave me a tour of the office and introduced me to all the other employees. And then she waited with me in the kitchen until time. We chatted and I got to ask her about the project she's working on and how she feels about her job and her coworkers and the company in general. She was really nice.
I've been seeing lately how much of a difference it makes for people's experience when you take the time for them. I'm refering more to another incident, but this is an example of that, too. The other incident, I'm not going to give much detail, but it would have been a pretty big setback for me. A couple of my professors stood behind me, though, and I'm so grateful for that because I would have no authority to do anything or say anything and just would have had to accept it. A way was found to work things out, and in the end, I felt very blessed to know that I have professors that care about me.
Take the time for people and care about people, that's what I've been getting. It's been pretty cool because it's like God's been showing me all these dimensions of my character that needs a bit of work, and not by harsh criticism, but by gentle example..."You see how good this is, so do the same."
Had to do a little correction to my Japanese. Forgot the -san's. I had a feeling Kyle would find some mistake. =P
Posted by Aileen
at 12:48 AM HDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 April 2005 11:28 PM HDT