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Monday, 23 January 2006

My post on mixi translated to Japanese, translated back to English, using Babelfish. See if you can make sense of it:

That when knowing the method of reading the Japanese in here a little is difficult operation. I who am something like the thing where that is uneducated presume. You cannot imagine me. As for Babelfish of Altavista my friend (http: //babelfish.altavista.com/).

So it meaning that I who am possess description, perhaps me. me it posts.. calculated and work went before I passed that kind of balance time of 1 of my cooperators, being opposed in 2 weeks, today well. As for him greatly more splendid today. So in spite even in having the fearful work where it should do as for me when I go away for the school at noon, you felt rather well.

Work I've being given, is to do the telephone investigation for feasibility study, if as for that response affirmation there is an interest in use of the water which is handled question by MBR and concerning water applications thing was recycled it does, the fact that it calls on the company 100 it is the user where the fo Oahu of the island which you ask whether or not perhaps, water is largest is accompanied. I hate the fact that you speak with others of the telephone. And, that I being connected by the person the right, until it can, if I at the company and inspected the number of telephone directories, asked everyone's me in order to speak to the number of its contact people and had to turn had known, but it is not bad excessively! I did not actualize the fact that the fact that substantial engineering work speaks is included so. When it has the fact that you know I probably will not enter into this field. To also the work is good today when in any case J/k. =), in spite.

Attitude how produces effect on the people very around those, isn't that splendid? Perhaps, that is not splendid, but it is true. And I have not meant the fact that just my cooperator is chosen. I understand the fact that he is under many pressures. I thought that we would like to point to that exactly generally. That in order to stop in heart I operate because how mutually to the people is thing something which you think that I would like to make the point.

Edge of post.

Posted by Aileen at 7:40 PM HST

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